서울 디자인 관련 무료 PDF 책 다운 링크를 소개합니다!
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서울 디자인 관련 무료 PDF 책과 다운로드 링크를 소개합니다!
디자인 자료가 한가득 아카이빙 되어있어 공공디자인 프로젝트, 한국 관련 디자인 찾아볼 때 매우 유용할것 같아 공유드립니다.
모두 영어버젼이 우선이지만 한글버젼도 링크에 따로 첨부해드리겠습니다.
궁금한 점이 있으면 언제든지 물어봐주세요^^!! 감사합니다.
1. Seoul Design White Paper (2022)
Seoul Design Foundation seeks innovative design solutions that support communication and public values. This book spotlights the challenges that the Seoul Metropolitan Government and Seoul Design Foundation have faced in implementing design initiatives and problem-solving projects to the city.
※ Pdf download site
Korean Ver. https://seouldesign.or.kr/?menuno=325&bbsno=682&boardno=35&siteno=1&act=view&cates=
2. Seoul Design Assets (2023)
This book takes a deeper look into the authentic beauty of Seoul and highlights the 600 years of design history in Seoul, showcasing the beautiful cultural assets from the past and present, to the future.
Seoul Design Assets have discovered Seoul's excellent design assets selected in 2009 by selecting the top 51 to contribute to Seoul's urban competitiveness and future value creation. In 2022, Seoul Design Assets’ top 40 was selected, reflecting on the past 10 years. This is a new addition based on Seoul Design Assets’ 40 selected in 2022.
The selection criteria for 'Seoul Design Assets' include Seoul's 600 years of history, Seoul's distinctiveness and unique attributes from other local and international cities, originality in terms of culture, materials, structural layout and technology, and contemporary life, the level of impact and influence on life and culture of the times, the degree of traditional values that have been passed down for a long time, and the level of modern reinterpretation and recreation in various fields to create tangible and intangible value.
※ Pdf download site
Korean ver. https://seouldesign.or.kr/?menuno=325&bbsno=705&boardno=35&siteno=1&act=view&cates=
3. Seoul Design, Unlimited Challenge (2023)
Seoul Design, Unlimited Challenge contains examples of creating 'the happy lives of Seoul citizens' by applying design to various fields such as economy/ industry, society, urban/ environment, culture, and communication.
※ E-book site
Korean ver. https://seouldesign.or.kr/?menuno=325&bbsno=712&boardno=35&siteno=1&act=view&cates=
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